
Tired of Pitching Your MLM Business

I am going to tell you something you will never hear from you MLM upline.You are allowed to turn down prospects. Your education from your upline teaches you to call your friends, family and your MLM leads and start telling them how amazing the company and product is. You are trained to pitch the compensation plan. After they see all this information it's just a "no brainer". If they turn down joining your MLM, it must be because they didn't understand part of it, right? Wrong.No one wants to be sold or told what to do.I can tell you that if you are hounding your MLM prospects until they join with you, that you are not going to have long-term success. The ones you sponsor in this way are not the high quality people you want in your MLM. You are going to have to hold their hand because 1. They didn't really understand what they were joining in the first place, and 2. This method of sponsoring is nearly impossible to duplicate.So, in order to run a successful MLM business you need people that have the drive, skill, determination and motivation to also be successful.Prospecting is about finding candidates that have potential. It's not about pitching Motorcycle Gloves your company over your neighbor's kitchen table. Unless you like doing that sort of thing. Chances are, your neighbor is clueless what an MLM is about. If they do, it's probably an ill conceived notion of a pyramid scheme. So then you have to over come objections, and then you aren't prospecting anymore.In order to sign up high quality reps you need to pre-qualify them. Qualify them and make sure they are worthy of your time. Take charge of the interview by asking questions. Imagine that you are the hiring manager of a company, are you going to hire just anybody? Or are you going to hire people that will produce results and earn you a promotion. Some people are ready to join an MLM, but they believe that it will not involve work on their part. This is also not a high quality prospect. This is dead weight, when they don't get results, you are going to be holding their hand.So, I'll tell you again. You are allowed to turn down prospects. It's ok to tell someone that they are not a good fit, or not what you are looking for right now.If you think I'm crazy, recall the last time you were told you couldn't have something. Motorcycle Gloves It made you want it more, didn't it?Prospecting is plainly filtering through your leads and finding the candidates that have promise. Some of those people might not be at the point where they are ready to join a company, pushing them into it too soon is a set up for failure. When they are ready, they will come back to you.